Meet Our Team

Lisa Roossien

Executive Director

Lisa is a person in long-term recovery from substance use disorder and mental health challenges. She was granted a second chance at life and is honored to use this opportunity to help others overcome their challenges. She believes recovery is possible for everyone who has enough desire for change and willingness to experience discomfort.

Lisa has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Michigan State University, is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Addiction Consultant, and a Peer Recovery Coach. She enjoys using this education, along with her lived experience, to help individuals discover their own potential for greatness. At RCM, members are provided with a safe space to feel loved, explore their abilities and interests, help others, and ultimately be promoted to a position of trust and leadership. This transformation enables individuals to truly thrive.

Outside of the magic that happens at RCM, Lisa is a mama to two young children and is married to a fellow person in recovery. She is living a life she once didn’t believe was possible for a person like her. She hopes to demonstrate that recovery happens when we allow ourselves to be known and loved, one step at a time!

Abby Gluvna

Program Manager

Abby is in recovery from mental health challenges. Abby graduated from Mercyhurst University with her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and is currently completing a master’s program for School Counseling. Abby is a certified Peer Recovery Coach and loves having the opportunity to connect individuals to the resources they need. As the Program Manager, Abby finds joy in providing classes and resources that will help the Cafe members and their recovery grow.

Being able to spend time with people from different walks of life is one of Abby’s favorite aspects of her job. She loves seeing the members and guests connect through each other’s unique stories, encourage each other through adversity, and connect on a human level, because at the end of the day, we are all just trying to feel loved and live a happy life.

Outside of work, Abby loves spending time with her fiancé, family, friends, and her Golden Retriever, Aspen. Going to the gym, trying new foods, traveling, and attending concerts are some of Abby’s favorite hobbies.

Abby’s encouragement for new and current members of the Cafe includes, “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”

Recovery Cafe Muncie respects the recovery journey, and you will always find people that love and support your full story, journey, and goals.

Sean Cox

Cafe Manager

Sean is a person in recovery from mental health challenges, physical health, and substance use.
Sean’s prior experience includes obtaining his CHW/CRS, (Community Health Worker/Certified Recovery Specialist) certification, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) representative, and MHA (Mental Health America) certification for Mental Health/Addiction certification. Sean graduated from Wes-Del High School in 2003. He was nominated, and attended, the National Youth Leadership forum on Medicine at Northwestern University, earned Academic Honors in Architecture, and A.P. English and A.P. Biology. Sean earned a radio broadcasting diploma after high school and did his internship at HOT 107.9 in Ft. Wayne. Sean then graduated from the Men’s Home School of Discipleship in Rockford, IL, and is now attending Indiana Wesleyan University for his Associates of Science in Human Services.
Prior to working at Recovery Cafe Muncie, Sean says, he was blessed to have the opportunity to start as a guest, become a Café Companion, become a Member Leader, then a Senior Member Leader. He was then promoted again to the position of Chair of the Member Advisory Board and through the course of over two years. He is now honored to hold a staff position at the Recovery Café Muncie!
Sean’s full mental health and physical health diagnosis includes Pschizo-Affective disorder with PTSD, Neuropathy from the waist down (most likely from an old sports injury), and substance use disorder of alcohol. Sean sees these challenges as motivational tools to connect with others in a way that is understanding and promotes ones “best self,” “higher self,” and “true self.” Sean believes we can conquer the “darkness” with “light,” and he is honored to help others by Motivating, Empowering, Navigating, and helping them Discover their life of freedom and “true self.”
Sean says that authenticity is a value that drives him in a few ways. Firstly, it requires openness and honesty with oneself. Secondly, it allows others to see you in a genuine way. Authenticity can be nerve racking and completely freeing at the same time. Authenticity holds yourself accountable to yourself. Sometimes, the flaw is with the man in the mirror.
Sean believes that the work he does is amazing because of the people he gets to work with. Being able to help, serve, work and even protect others is a satisfying payment, but now he gets paid to do what he loves… 😊 Seeing the Cafe’s members grow, develop, and become their higher self, motivates Sean to hold himself at a higher standard as well. Promoting health and supporting life is a calling for Sean, and there is no better place to start than with his own people.
Outside of work, Sean works with individuals from Courtside Ministries at the Delaware County Rehabilitation Center, he enjoys sci-fi movies, and loves to zone out and jam to music (when he isn’t doing homework). Sean enjoys learning about Quantum Physics and how life operates. Sean is also the on-call Mental Health Coach for FHR Racing, which is a 501 (c) non-profit for youth via Motocross.
Sean’s words of encouragement for new and current members of Recovery Café is, “Stay strong. The battle starts within the mind. Before you “did it,” you “thought it.” Re-framing your brain to think differently can be a life-long challenge. However, with time and effort, you will build your resilience and your true self will conquer the challenges before you and you will be victories. So, stay strong, you got this. Find you.”

Emily Jamison

Resource Specialist

Emily is a person in long-term recovery and is one of our Cafe Managers!

Emily has her Associate of Science degree in Human Services from Ivy Tech college, Addiction Studies certificate, Human Services technical certificate, and CAPRC 1 Peer Recovery Coach certification. Emily has lived experience, graduating from The Lighthouse Women’s Recovery Home in Muncie. Before graduating, Emily helped foster and lead a life skills course to other residents of the recovery home, and later completed her internship with The Lighthouse! Emily has also given back by volunteering and completing internships with Muncie Folk Collective Inc. and the Addictions Coalition of Delaware County (ACDC).

Emily enjoys her work because she can use her degree and certifications to help people experiencing barriers, provide and connect individuals to resources, and return the help that was given to her. Emily loves meeting new people and working with others that are also passionate about recovery.

In her free time, Emily enjoys being with animals and working at a local animal rescue shelter. Camping, swimming, working in her vegetable garden, listening to music, and volunteering in the community are some of Emily’s hobbies, but nothing beats going on adventures with her kiddos!

Emily can fill her cup through those hobbies, but integrity, persistence, and giving back to the community that once helped her are what fuels her fire. Emily’s words of encouragement to new and current RCM members include, “When you come here, you will find all forms of recovery in a supportive and caring atmosphere. Making changes can be scary, but you don’t have to do it alone.”

Matthew Albert

Data & Hospitality Manager

Matthew is a person in long-term recovery and is RCM’s Data and Hospitality Manager! Matthew is recovering from substance use and homelessness and continues to navigate his personal and spiritual growth journey.

Before working at Recovery Cafe Muncie, Matthew worked as a quality assurance team lead in food factories and restaurants. Additionally, Matthew attended Ivy Tech Community College to complete culinary classes. Matthew is currently completing training to become a certified Peer Recovery Coach!

Outside of work, Matthew enjoys spending time with his family and being outside in nature when possible. Matthew also spends much of his time giving back to his community with the members of the Union Chapel Men’s Group.

Matthew enjoys being able to live as an example to others and showing others that when you invest time in yourself and choose to do the right thing, it pays off and allows yourself to grow. It is Matthew’s hope that others will see recognize and strive for that growth upon attending RCM and discover what drives them to see it through.

Through love, honesty, discernment, and faith, Matthew will strive to bring new guests and members of RCM to a life of recovery. Matthew’s words of encouragement to them include, “Even in our darkest hour, we can turn over a new leaf to reveal our colors shine bright.”