Tie Dye!
Recovery Cafe Muncie 201 E. Charles St., Muncie, IN, United StatesMembers and guests will have the opportunity to create their own tie dye shirt! Limited supply.
Members and guests will have the opportunity to create their own tie dye shirt! Limited supply.
Recovery Cafe Muncie's members are hosting an art show for the public! Members will have various types of art to sell to you! From paintings, to ceramics, to crochet; there...
Commonway Church will be hosting a Thanksgiving lunch at RCM on November 23rd at 12pm! ALL are welcome for a delicious meal and great community!
Burnout has become one of the biggest challenges in the workforce today. Learn tips for how to de-stress, prioritize yourself, and find energy again in your daily life. Join us...
Happy holidays! Join us on Wednesday, December 18th, for RCM's annual Holiday Party! You can expect an afternoon filled with festivities. Bring a friend, wear your ugly sweater, and we'll...
Are you looking for a work from home job that fulfills you? Imagine the possibilities with remote work. Let's talk about how to position yourself to find a remote job...
Join us for Boundaries and Recovery, a 4-week discussion-based course that will review the benefits of boundaries, how to sustain healthy relationships and long-term wellness.
Join us every Friday in January for 12 Step Yoga. Facilitated by one of our own member leaders, Pete Vandenburg, heal through your addictions and trauma by incorporating the benefits...